business colleagues shaking hands
The Ardizzone Group
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We are committed to adhering to all federal and state laws regarding the protection of your personal information. This policy outlines our procedures for maintaining the confidentiality and security of personal information, including social security information, disclosed by current and prospective residents. If you have any concerns about this issue, please feel free to share them with us.

Collection of Personal Information

When you apply to rent from us, you will be asked to provide certain personal information. This information will be collected through the rental application form or other documents you submit to us or to an apartment locator service, either in paper form or electronically.

Use of Personal Information

We use your personal information solely for business purposes related to leasing a dwelling to you. This includes, but is not limited to, verifying the details provided in your rental application (such as rental, credit, and employment history), reviewing your lease for renewal, and enforcing lease obligations (such as collecting payments you may owe us in the future).

Protection and Access to Personal Information

Access to your personal information is restricted to authorized personnel only. We maintain the security of documents and electronic records containing this information by storing them in secure areas and systems.

Disposal of Personal Information

Once your personal information is no longer needed or required to be kept, we will dispose of it in a manner designed to prevent unauthorized access. Our disposal methods include shredding, destroying, or obliterating paper documents and destroying electronic files.

We are dedicated to following all federal and state laws regarding the protection of your personal information. This policy outlines our procedures for maintaining the confidentiality and security of personal information, including social security information, disclosed by current and prospective residents. If you have any concerns about this issue, please feel free to share them with us.